Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ode To The Musiest Muse Of Them All

There are times in your life where you just meet the right person at the right time. Click. It's instant.

I think of my friend Staiphner, who I met for the first time when we waved to each other at a fanfriggingtastic Dead show (Buffalo 1991). I was on the floor, she in the upper tier (she was with our mutual friend who was 6'5"--an easy spot).

I think of B2, hired because of her excellent taste in shoes, who I swear is my doppelganger in so many ways it's kind of freaky.

I think of Michelle, who I was introduced to by my sister because I was too shy to make the intro myself (I was ten).

I think of the sisters N & M, with whom I bonded in the bathroom at a beach bar in a drunken stupor, and with whom I ended up spending some of my best college years.

And not too long ago, I met The Liquid Muse. Smart. Kind. Hilarious. Thoughtful. Cool as a vodka-soaked cuke. And a kickass writer to boot. I loved her instantaneously.

Life got busy for a spell--quit job, started job, traveled, fell into funk, had family stuff, you know how it goes. And -poof- in an instant, The Muse was gone. Headed to the other coast. And just like that, my life was a bit less sparkly.

So my dear friend, safe travels, and come back soon. And see you when I get to LA--sooner than later.



Alison Santighian said...

Just think of it this way...when your lovely hubby decides to whisk you away to the Left Coast for a weekend, you can sip away with The Muse in LA (ok, that rhymes...)

natalie@theliquidmuse.com said...

Oh my... I'm veklempt (sp?!?)

You know its all mutual - and you betta get your sweet a** out to the West Coast soon, my dear!

(By the way - your parties and events are waaaay fab. Please keep me on your guestlist - I'll be flying out for those as often as my wings will carry me!)
